Ten years ago, when George and Sue Petrovas returned to her hometown of Portsmouth, the two were excited to attend Child & Family’s Taste of Newport event. With the intent to experience the variety of restaurants featured and get re-acclimated to the community, they were also impressed by the attendance (sold out) as well as the many people they met from around town. “The stories shared tapped into our heartstrings which gave us time to reflect on how fortunate we were and how we could help others in need,” recalls George. The couple has since become one of Child & Family’s biggest supporters integrating the organization’s mission into every aspect of their lives through their work, friends, community members and even their children.
The couple helps to grow events like Taste of Newport by inviting their friends and talking about the great needs of the organization. “People really want to give, but they feel as if they are either too busy or don’t know what to do,” says Sue suggests they organize a drive at work and create a list of items needed for a group donation. “If you make it easy for your colleagues it will get them mobilized to take action.” George agrees, adding that it is important to remember that at some point in your life you may be in need of a helping hand. “You don’t want someone making excuses that they don’t have the time to help you,” he says.
In an effort to reveal some misconceptions about the community that Child & Family supports, Sue recalls her experience as co-chair of the Ophelia’s Wardrobe event a few years ago. “It surprised people to learn that the event didn’t just serve girls in group homes, but any girl with low self-esteem that needed the same consideration.” In summation, the Petrovas ask that the community keep in mind that while big things can make a difference, small acts of giving can be just as important.