Child & Family is a private, nonprofit organization working every day to help the most vulnerable children, families, and seniors across Rhode Island since 1866. 
Our mission is to strengthen individuals, families, and the communities in which they live by identifying needs and utilizing best practices. 

Aging Well

Child & Family’s Aging Well Program has been providing vital support services to seniors in Newport County since the 1960s and to seniors in Providence since 2000. This program works to enhance seniors’ quality of life with a focus on dignity and respect for independence. Serving thousands of older Rhode Islanders each year, the Aging Well program helps our older Rhode Island neighbors remain safely in their homes and provides other critical services, such as Medicare and Medicaid enrollment counseling regarding insurance eligibility and benefits, behavioral health counseling, case management services, caregiver support, and the essential connections to other resources for their optimal health and wellness.

About the Aging Well Program

Consistent with the values of Child & Family the Aging Well programs are based on the core belief that communities thrive when they take care of all of its members. The Aging Well program supports Aging Adults and Adults with Disabling conditions to remain in their community and in their homes whenever possible.  The Child & Family Aging Well program provides case management, coordinated care, caregiver support, and access to the Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) through a collaborative partnership with the Department of Human Services (DHS), the Office of Healthy Aging (OHA), and Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS).  Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) serves people who have disabilities or chronic care needs in the setting ideal for them and their families. Services may be episodic or on-going.

2,500 Elders in our communities live independently every day because of our support

In 2022, over 1,200 seniors received case management support and services through our various Elder Care programs.

Medicare Information And Awareness (MIAA)

This set of programs provide Aging Adults with a coordinated delivery system that includes three (3) programs. Integration of these Programs ensures that Medicare eligible individuals, their families and caregivers receive un-biased one-to-one counseling, education and assistance that empowers them to make informed health insurance decisions.  These programs include:

National Family Caregiver Program (NFCG)

Part of every Person Centered Assessment and Planning for Aging Adults is to recognize the family and natural supports that are supporting and providing care for the client.  Child & Family provides guidance, support, and counseling to caregivers who are providing care for their friends and family members.

Protective Services Assessment and Planning

Child & Family works in Partnership with the OHA in supporting Aging Adults who are experiencing abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, and the inability to care of oneself. This program includes an assessment, support, and service planning to address the immediate needs of the person referred.

Report Elder Abuse

Services may be provided in a person’s home, the community (for example, shared living or assisted living).

In Partnership with the Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging (OHA), Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) Child & Family provides Person Centered Case Management to lower income Aging Adults which includes providing access to a variety of supports and services.  Each potential client is provided a Person Centered Assessment to determine program eligibility and to fully consider their specific needs.


Some of the supports that may be
accessed can include:

  • Medical Support
  • Home Care Services
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance benefits (SNAP)
  • Durable Medical Equipment
  • Home Modifications and Assistive Technology, Lifeline, and other supportive services.
  • Adult Day Services
  • Mental Health Support
  • Victim of Crime Support
  • Housing Support


Contact Aging Well at:
Phone number- 401-848-4119
Fax number- 401-608-1844