Child & Family’s 150th Annual Meeting will be held Thursday, September 29th, 2016 at Rosecliff Mansion in Newport. The annual meeting gives Child & Family the opportunity to share the impact its work has had on “Strengthening the Fabric of Families” in Newport County and throughout Rhode Island over the course of the year. It also provides an opportunity to recognize those who have greatly contributed to the agency’s success through award presentations. The following community members , organizations and business will recognized at this year’s meeting.
Please Join Us In Honoring
Child & Family’s Annual Award Recipients
Philanthropists of the Year               Ms. Ann Conner
Philanthropists of the Year               Mr. & Mrs. Christopher and Laura Yalanis
Business Partner of the Year           The Good Toy Group
Business Partner of the Year           Hotel Viking, Newport
Volunteers of the Year                       Mr. & Mrs. Joseph and Lyse DobrottÂ
Child & Family’s Annual Report will be distributed to the public at the Annual Meeting which is open to the public and will be available on the website.