Child & Family is a private, nonprofit organization working every day to help the most vulnerable children, families, and seniors across Rhode Island since 1866. 
Our mission is to strengthen individuals, families, and the communities in which they live by identifying needs and utilizing best practices. 

Child & Family is private non-profit human and health service agency that has proudly served children, families, and seniors throughout Rhode Island since 1866.

What’s News?

Child & Family Hosts Foster Parent Appreciation Dinner Thursday, May 18, 2023

Middletown (RI) May 25, 2023 – On Thursday May 18, 2023, Child & Family held a Foster Family Appreciation dinner at Atwood Grill in Johnston, RI, to honor and celebrate the accomplishments of foster parents and special guests who have had a role in supporting children, youth, and families in the child welfare system.

Child & Family CEO, Marty Sinnott, and Senior Director of Permanency, Fernando Barbosa, had the pleasure of recognizing foster parents who collectively opened up their homes to over 100 youth from the child welfare system. Their support led to positive outcomes such as reunifying with family, adoption, and entering young adulthood with the skills and confidence to excel. These heroes also supported pregnant and parenting teens as parent role models to establish independence as they age out of foster care.

Newly appointed DCYF Director, Ashley Deckert, demonstrated commitment and awareness of the value of the work that foster parents do and showed initiative to hit the ground running. Director Deckert comes to Rhode Island from the Illinois child welfare system with a track record of enhancing the wellbeing of children and families with permanency as paramount.

Julie Casimiro, member of the Rhode Island House of Representatives, joined in honoring foster parents while also being recognized herself for her staunch advocacy for youth, their families, and foster parents on the legislative level and in particular for her contributions to the RI Foster Parent Bill of Rights.

Special recognition was given to foster parent, Jacqueline Richardson, as the “2023 Rhode Island Circle of Parents ® Parent of the Year” for her leadership role with Circle of Parents, a foster parent led support group. Arleen DiCicco, of Child & Family, was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award for her commitment, support, and advocacy in her role as a foster care office administrator with over 40 years of service.

Child & Family is a private non-profit human and health service agency that serves children, families, and older adults throughout Rhode Island. If you are interested in providing a safe, stable, and nurturing environment for youth in need, please contact Stephen Wakely, Child & Family Foster Parent Recruiter, at (401) 258-3571 or at Learn more at

Photos provided by Staci Cherwinski Photography.

Ashley Deckert, DCYF Director & Marty Sinnott, Child & Family President & CEO

Ashley Deckert, DCYF Director (Speaking)

Child & Family Foster Parents Rocio and Ingrid

Deb Druryhoughton, Placement Administrator, RI DCYF, Ashley Deckart, DCYF Director, Marty Sinnott, Presidnet & CEO, Child & Family, & Fernando Barbosa, Senior Director of Permanency, Child & Family

Child & Family Board of Directors Member, Lamel Moore

Child & Family’s Foster Care Team

Jacqueline Richardson, RI Circle of Parents Parent of the Year recipient

Representative Julie Casimiro receiving an award from Child & Family President & CEO, Marty Sinnott

Arleen DiCiccco receiving a lifetime achievement award from Child & Family President & CEO, Marty Sinnott

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