Child & Family is a private, nonprofit organization working every day to help the most vulnerable children, families, and seniors across Rhode Island since 1866.
Our mission is to strengthen individuals, families, and the communities in which they live by identifying needs and utilizing best practices. 

Independent Living Program  

Preparing for Life On Your Own Ensures Success

Independent Living is the goal of every young adult but for those who have cycled through the child welfare system sometimes it is more difficult to achieve. Our Independent Living program for young adults is designed to help young adults develop the skills they need to lead happy, successful, and independent lives. Our clients are young adults ages 17-20 who are aging out of the Child Welfare System and will benefit from learning lasting and healthy habits that they may not have acquired in their earlier years. 

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How can we help?

Child & Family provides its clients with mentors and roadmaps for successful living outside of the structure of the Child Welfare system they have been raised in. These resilient youth are supported in a trauma-informed environment that is nurturing and inclusive. Our youths/young adults in Independent Living are provided: 

  • An individual apartment or shared living arrangement with rent and basic utilities paid 
  • Weekly case management  
  • Short-term and long-term care planning to develop life skills and achieve personal goals  
  • Access to community resources such as mental health providers, DHS, housing authorities, employment, and educational/vocational opportunities 
  • A supportive environment as youths transition into adulthood 

    Youth Support Specialists and Life Skills Coaching

    With the support of our Youth Support Specialists and Life Skills Coach, Youth & Young Adults in our Independent Living Program achieve positive outcomes and gain confidence to live independently. The goal of an independent living program is to enable young adults to lead successful and well-balanced lives upon completion.  Child & Family gives young adults the opportunity to practice living on their own in a structured way, so they can become fully prepared to lead an independent and fulfilling life.  Some of the independent living skills our Youth Support Specialists and Life Skills Coach may provide: 

    • Meal planning and preparation 
    • Time management  
    • Budgeting 
    • Health and hygiene 
    • Financial literacy/management 
    • Public transportation 
    • Self-care  

    Practice makes perfect. Child & Family Independent Living clients get plenty of it!Â