An unplanned pregnancy derailed a young couple attending college with dreams of graduating, finding work and starting a life together. Eight months from finishing her bachelor’s degree in finance, Chantal a college senior working two jobs learned she was pregnant. During her pregnancy, she discovered that she had Lupus, an autoimmune disease. Following the birth of her beautiful baby girl Nadira, Chantal experienced debilitating depression, paranoia, and severe mood swings affecting her ability to care for Nadira and maintain a healthy relationship with her boyfriend Vladmir. Chantal’s relationship with Vladmir also ended and daughter Nadira was placed in his care. Chantal was now alone, without work, insurance, and without Vladmir and Nadira in her world. Doctors soon discovered that Chantal’s symptoms were attributed to the Lupus and she was immediately placed on the corrective medications. stabilizing the neurological symptoms. Now she needed to get her life on track, demonstrate that she was able to care for her daughter, and rebuild her relationship with Vladmir.
Child & Family’s team based approach not only provided positive support but assisted Chantal in identifying steps and resources that would lead her back on track including obtaining insurance, writing a resume, and finding daycare options. “They were so positive, enthusiastic and determined to see me succeed”.
Chantal now holds a fulltime job with benefits, has reestablished a positive relationship with Vladmir and soon will have full parental rights of Nadira reinstated. Her goals have always remained the same; she hit a bump in the road and Child & Family provided the necessary services and support to get her back on track to achieve her hopes and dreams.