Loren Deveau loves an organizational challenge and she’s found that in the growing Adopt-a-Family program. When she started volunteering with Child & Family over five years ago Adopt-a-Family was not what it is today, she recalls.
Through the last half decade, this service that matches donors with families in need of support, has expanded each year. Loren, who is semiretired, has met the increase with a smile. “I love working at Child & Family, it’s a lot of fun and laughs when we aren’t pulling our hair out,” she chuckles affectionately explaining how she values the friendships she’s made within the Child & Family organization.
Juggling family needs and the community members ready to help is an organizational puzzle that she is committed to year after year. “It’s impressive to see how much it’s grown through the years. I’m happy when the program gets attention.” Loren appreciates whenever there is greater awareness of Adopt-a-Family in and around the state as well as within Child & Family.
Along with her work on the Adopt-A-Family program, managing Thanksgiving baskets through the holiday season crunch has earned her recognition as one of our Volunteers of the Year to which she says, “I have found a niche here, it’s an awful nice honor.”
A former art gallery owner, she continues to practice the art of calligraphy. Having moved a lot throughout her life, her knack for organization has been an asset, one that she graciously shares with the families we serve at Child & Family.