Child & Family is a private, nonprofit organization working every day to help the most vulnerable children, families, and seniors across Rhode Island since 1866. 
Our mission is to strengthen individuals, families, and the communities in which they live by identifying needs and utilizing best practices. 

Peter Damon has a long history of leadership within Child & Family and marvels at its incredible growth through the past three decades. He first became a board member in the mid-80’s serving on and off until he took the position of Vice Chair and eventually Chairman of the Board. During that time, the services and volume of the agency have flourished through collaboration and relationships throughout Rhode Island.

As then President of BankNewport, Damon viewed his role and that of his company as one of being a good community citizen. “If you value this community and look toward agencies that provide very important care for Newport County as a community, you look to Child &Family, and a handful of others. It’s a very short list and they provide virtually all of the human social services that the Island needs.” The relationship he and BankNewport forged with Child & Family was, and remains, mutually beneficial.

Modestly, the Damon’s acknowledged surprise at being recognized as Philanthropists of the Year, “Many people who are involved in our community support Child & Family and its many endeavors that benefit the community,” says Peter.

Anne adds that, “People who really care about Newport realize how important Child & Family is as a part of that.” In living community service, Anne has hosted gatherings and helped her husband spread the word about Child & Family, and she also volunteers with the Historical Society.

Beyond supporting Child & Family, the Damon’s give back through involvement with the United Way, the Preservation Society of Newport County, as a past Director of the Rhode Island Foundation and a board member of several other local community and charitable organizations. “It’s a great state and a great community to be a part of, but it’s not just about Newport County,” Damon says acknowledging the extensive size and scope of the Child & Family agency as compared to when he first began his service and in relation to other nonprofits in the county.

The Damon’s lifestyle of giving sets an example and extends to their three sons and five grandchildren.