Child & Family is a private, nonprofit organization working every day to help the most vulnerable children, families, and seniors across Rhode Island since 1866.
Our mission is to strengthen individuals, families, and the communities in which they live by identifying needs and utilizing best practices. 

Supportive Housing Program

Supportive Housing Program

Homelessness grew in Rhode Island by nearly 50 percent between 2018 to 2022, and by 20 percent in just the last year, according to the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development. Access to affordable housing is a common issue for many of the families serviced by Child & Family.

Increase in Rhode Island’s
homeless population:
2018 to 2022:


Increase in Rhode Island’s
homeless population in
2022 alone:


Homelessness grew in Rhode Island by nearly 50 percent between 2018 to 2022, and by 20 percent in just the last year, according to the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development. Access to affordable housing is a common issue for many of the families serviced by Child & Family.

At Child & Family, we offer a Supportive Housing program that addresses the multiple stressors families enrolled in our program experienced that led to their ultimate housing displacement. Our program is exclusive to families with children and designed to provide the necessary structure and housing stability needed to help them grow, prosper, and succeed after leaving Child & Family’s transitional living program. Families are eligible to live in our Supportive Housing apartments for up to 18 to 24 months. 

Currently, we have eight clean, secure apartments equipped with essential modern appliances to house families. The spaces are located within Newport, Rhode Island which is located near essential services such as transportation and grocery stores.  

Keeping a family intact while struggling with homelessness is difficult.

Families need supportive housing to stay intact. Supportive Housing is a highly effective strategy that combines housing security with intensive coordinated services proven to help program participants transition out of the dire cycle of housing insecurity and stay together. 

While in our program, families can access: 

  • Individual, group, and substance abuse counseling 
  • Legal advocacy and assistance in securing permanent housing 
  • Access to GED, college courses, vocational opportunities, and on-the-job training 
  • Professional staff available to help you develop life skills, parenting strategies, and overall case management 
  • Recreational activities to improve overall mental health and family structure 

How can you help?

Our goal is to improve family outcomes and decrease the risk of a family becoming homeless in the future. With additional donor support, we can help more families write their own remarkable stories of achievement! Through direct financial contributions, Child & Family can continue offering Supportive Housing to families with children in desperate need. Visit our “Ways to Help” section to learn more about sponsorships, donations, and financial gifts. Together we can rebuild the lives of those who need us most.