Child & Family is a private, nonprofit organization working every day to help the most vulnerable children, families, and seniors across Rhode Island since 1866.
Our mission is to strengthen individuals, families, and the communities in which they live by identifying needs and utilizing best practices. 

Charitable Gifts

Townsend Planned Giving Program

Making a gift by including Child & Family in your longterm financial or estate plan is an important decision that encompasses more than financial goals and tax benefits. It’s about harnessing your passion to make a lasting impact on children and families in need, right here in Rhode Island. Planned gifts provide meaningful support to Child & Family’s programs and services that strengthen and preserve families. Child & Family, with the support of our partner, the Rhode Island Foundation offers a range of imaginative giving strategies that allow you to unleash your inner philanthropist while maximizing tax advantages and financial flexibility. We can help you find the best option to create your legacy.

Why Should You Include a Charitable Gift in Your Will?

      • It’s an easy way to give back to your community through an organization that has a long history of making a positive difference in the lives of thousands of Rhode Islanders each and every day.
      • It’s simple to do. It can be as easy as including language stating, “I give ten percent of the net value of my estate to Child & Family”.
      • You can change your mind. We won’t receive the gift until after your death. During your lifetime, you can amend anything you choose i.e., beneficiaries, amounts etc.
      • Taxwise it could be beneficial. Gifts to qualified charitable organizations reduce the value of your estate for estate tax purposes.

    The most common way donors make planned gifts is via bequest. The bequest can be a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate or what remains after other bequestsincluding those to family members are made.

    Retirement Fund Assets

    These gifts, whether from qualified plans of IRAs are ideal for charitable giving purposes because they are the most heavily taxed. A simple beneficiary designation form listing Child & Family as a beneficiary filed with your plan administrator is all that is required.

    Charitable Gift Annuity

    You can designate Child & Family as the beneficiary of a charitable fund that is created after the annuity terminates. During the life of the annuity, the annuitant (you or a loved one) will receive fixed income for life.

    Charitable Remainder Trust

    These gifts appeal to donors with appreciated securities or real estate. They pay income to the beneficiary you name and become a gift to Child & Family when the trust terminates.

    Life Insurance

    You can give a paidup policy to Child & Family or simply name Child & Family as a beneficiary of part or all of the insurance proceeds.

    You will be sent an immediate e-receipt.

    Thank you for your generous support!