Child & Family is a private, nonprofit organization working every day to help the most vulnerable children, families, and seniors across Rhode Island since 1866.
Our mission is to strengthen individuals, families, and the communities in which they live by identifying needs and utilizing best practices. 

March 2023

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PRESCHOOL/PREK (3-5 years of age)

PRESCHOOL/PREK (3-5 years of age)

PRESCHOOL/PREK (3-5 years of age) Experiences are provided to meet children’s individual needs and stimulate learning in all developmental areas by a team of 2 teachers.  Children follow a daily routine that involves, music, literacy, creative play and outdoor...
TODDLER (24 months – 3 years of age)

TODDLER (24 months – 3 years of age)

TODDLER (24 months – 3 years of age) The diverse developmental needs of two year olds are met in the Toddler program. The children are involved in a variety of stimulating experiences to encourage socialization and independence. Their day is comprised of circle time,...